Tuesday, September 1, 2009

People Need The Lord!

I remember back to a time when I was a child. I had no worries, no prejudices, and no fears. Life was wonderfully clear.
I was a fifth grader at a local elementary school. Our fifth grade Christmas program would be "Grandma Got Ran Over By A Reindeer". Our class would sing the song as I came hobbling out in my granny attire then I would get knocked down by a drive by reindeer. Finally, a fellow classmate, dressed as grandpa, would drag me off stage. The crowd laughed and cheered.
Sadly I found out recently that, that dear friend dressed as grandpa, passed away.
Today as I pondered about how quickly his life was taken, I can't help but wonder what kind of example I was to him and his family.
"Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away."
James 4:14
Sure I was just a fifth grader. But I was a christian at that time....was I living and speaking as a christian. I know many children that have led others to the Lord. Also, I think about my children's church class. I know for several of those children, we are the only christian influence they have.
I know I for one, am not a people person by nature. I would rather go, listen to the sermon, teach, and leave. I realize that we all should take that extra time to talk to others. No matter what you may have waiting on your "to do list" or how hungry you may be, talk to people. Tell the your dry cleaner, your beautician, the guy that waved at the car wash, and even that child that comes to your door with a school fundraiser. You never know what could happen to either of you tomorrow, next month, or even ten years from now. As one of my close friends sings "people need the Lord", so tell them how great he is and what he has done for your life. I know I sure want to try harder!

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